Tuesday, September 11, 2007


The monk Lucas was walking through a village accompanied by a disciple. An old man asked the man from Scete:

- Holy man, how can I come closer to God?
- Enjoy yourself. Praise the Creator with your joy - was the reply.

The two went on their way. Just then, a young man came over.
- What must I do to come closer to God?
- Enjoy yourself less - said Lucas.

When the young man left, the disciple commented:
- It seems to me that you are not sure whether or not one should enjoy oneself.
- A spiritual journey is a bridge with no railings across an abyss - replied Lucas, - If someone is too near the right hand side, I tell him 'left a bit!' If he approaches the left side, I say 'right a bit!' The extremes veer us away from the Path.”